Vocational and Employment Related Services

Vocational Assessments

An assessment conducted to establish suitable vocational or retraining needs. This assessment includes a full review of the workers current situation including:

  • Injury status
  • Work and Education history
  • Transferable skills
  • Job interests

New Employer Services / Job Placement Services

Through Job placement and Job Seeking services, workers are provided with a range of services to assist in the job seeking process, including:

  • Assisting worker in identifying suitable forms of employment
  • Assisting worker in identifying suitable employment vacancies
  • Resume preparation
  • Job seeking skills training
  • Assistance in liaison with prospective employers

Vocational Re-Education

Assessment conducted to establish suitable training options to assist workers in developing transferable skills. Identification and organisation of suitable courses.

Labour Market Analysis

Investigation and assessment of labour markets in fields and locations applicable to the individual worker. Varying levels of information can be provided dependent on company needs.

Pre-Employment Screening

Functional Pre-Employment Screen “A battery of actual functional tests in order to provide information about a worker’s ability to perform specific functions of a job”.

Pre-employment functional screening only assesses current ability and does not attempt to predict any future deterioration. It should clearly identify employees that are able to safely perform the given test work tasks within a healthy margin of physiological and biomechanical reserve, within a suitable testing time frame and fee structure

Employment Preparation Services

In the unfortunate event that your business needs to downsize and reduce staff, it can result in a very difficult time for the company and its employees. If your business faces this situation you can assist your valued staff to increase their employability in a highly competitive labour market.

Employment Preparation services are commonly offered to workers in the event they are made redundant. These services may include:

  • Resume preparation
  • Interview preparation
  • Assistance with applications
  • Advice on how to access job vacancies